A Global Airline Carrier automates digital marketing with dynamic pricing updates to create more dynamic and smart campaigns.

In order to compete in the travel industry, in both the Holidays and Flights space, automation is key. For not only the ability to automate the entire product catalogue but, to compete on prices and benefits. Understanding the price position is fundamental to building out successful campaigns.
By 2023, 80% of organizations using AI for digital commerce will achieve at least 25% improvement in customer satisfaction, revenue or cost reduction.
In an industry that is competing on a world stage, against both established airlines and industry disruptors; intelligent automation is a necessary component of success. Dynamic and up to date pricing plays a key role in consumer decision making, thus making it important for the Airline to be at the forefront of this data. However, price is one aspect of decision making and Airlines are increasingly looking into the data that captures the desirability of an offer, concerning all other offerings on the market. 
The data possibilities that surround travel data are both vast and fast-paced. For flights data alone, there could be millions of combinations over 12 months of data and each potential date range a customer may select. To capture varying prices across travel aggregators for price, search position and understanding the data that makes this offer desirable. For example, one Airline may have the best price, but they may also fly at unsociable hours and fly from a less desirable airport. All of these data points will come into play when customers are making decisions – we need to capture these points and organise them to understand why a consumer may or may not go with one offer or another.
Dexi extracted the Airline’s data and automated thousands of PPC campaigns for them. We worked to automate rules around ‘Reviews’, ‘Description’, ‘Headline Titles’ and many others to optimise the campaigns and reduce the amount of manual work. We also built out a number of reports to check the data for changes and keep on top of the variable travel data, again, reducing the manual error checking.

Dexi is able to rank the Airline’s own data against the competitive marketplace by ranking first on price. Then ranking against a set of attributes that capture the desirability of the offer and ranks against the true cost. For example, the price of the flight + the seat + baggage + inflight entertainment. Once these are captured, Dexi can rank for desirability against the price – allowing the Airline to truly understand their place in the market.

Dexi not only automates and builds the feeds for the Google feeds – but can apply the ranking competitor data to the feeds to create: Smartfeeds. 

Smartfeeds allow the Client to use intelligent data within their campaigns to make more informed decisions on bidding.

The capture of market data is increasingly valuable in making informed decisions and ensuring that the ROI (return on investment) for your campaigns is optimised against the current market conditions. It is the acquisition and the making sense of this data that is both challenging and time-consuming – this is why Dexi’s intelligent automation capabilities make this both possible and easy to do.

A Global Airline Carrier automates digital marketing with dynamic pricing updates to create more dynamic and smart campaigns.

In order to compete in the travel industry, in both the Holidays and Flights space, automation is key. For not only the ability to automate the entire product catalogue but, to compete on prices and benefits. Understanding the price position is fundamental to building out successful campaigns.
In order to compete in the travel industry, in both the Holidays and Flights space, automation is key. For not only the ability to automate the entire product catalogue but, to compete on prices and benefits. Understanding the price position is fundamental to building out successful campaigns.


In an industry that is competing on a world stage, against both established airlines and industry disruptors; intelligent automation is a necessary component of success. Dynamic and up to date pricing plays a key role in consumer decision making, thus making it important for the Airline to be at the forefront of this data. However, price is one aspect of decision making and Airlines are increasingly looking into the data that captures the desirability of an offer, concerning all other offerings on the market.


The data possibilities that surround travel data are both vast and fast-paced. For flights data alone, there could be millions of combinations over 12 months of data and each potential date range a customer may select. To capture varying prices across travel aggregators for price, search position and understanding the data that makes this offer desirable. For example, one Airline may have the best price, but they may also fly at unsociable hours and fly from a less desirable airport. All of these data points will come into play when customers are making decisions – we need to capture these points and organise them to understand why a consumer may or may not go with one offer or another.


Dexi extracted the Airline’s data and automated thousands of PPC campaigns for them. We worked to automate rules around ‘Reviews’, ‘Description’, ‘Headline Titles’ and many others to optimise the campaigns and reduce the amount of manual work. We also built out a number of reports to check the data for changes and keep on top of the variable travel data, again, reducing the manual error checking.

Dexi is able to rank the Airline’s own data against the competitive marketplace by ranking first on price. Then ranking against a set of attributes that capture the desirability of the offer and ranks against the true cost. For example, the price of the flight + the seat + baggage + inflight entertainment. Once these are captured, Dexi can rank for desirability against the price – allowing the Airline to truly understand their place in the market.

Dexi not only automates and builds the feeds for the Google feeds – but can apply the ranking competitor data to the feeds to create: Smartfeeds.

Smartfeeds allow the Client to use intelligent data within their campaigns to make more informed decisions on bidding.


The capture of market data is increasingly valuable in making informed decisions and ensuring that the ROI (return on investment) for your campaigns is optimised against the current market conditions. It is the acquisition and the making sense of this data that is both challenging and time-consuming – this is why Dexi’s intelligent automation capabilities make this both possible and easy to do.